Bug - ACRE & Teamspeak 3.2+
ACRE & Teamspeak 3.2.0 & 3.2.1
Teamspeak Release
The Teamspeak update released on 08/13-2018 is making teamspeak freeze randomly if ran with ACRE & TFAR. Therefore we highly recommend that you downgrade to 3.1.10 until the Bug has been patched. Though this might take a while as it's teamspeak fault that this bug has occurred. 

If you want to know more about this bug you can go visit the issue thread on GitHub right here: Github Thread

Teamspeak 3.1.10
Mirror - Download
[Image: B.Moedekjaer.png]

Teamspeak has released beta client 3.2.2 which has removed the bug.

To enable the Beta Channel, simply go to Tools -> Options -> Application and select "Beta" from the update channel drop-down.
After you've enabled beta updates go to Help -> Check for Update and an update will pop up.

Teamspeak Thread
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[Image: B.Moedekjaer.png]

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