Mission Suggestion Thread
S3 Mission creation team would like to hear your ideas for missions. Like all of our missions they need to be something that a unit like ours could realistically accomplish and have a clear focus for training purposes. Please make sure your suggestions are thorough and include a basic timeline for how the mission would be played. All suggestions are welcome no matter rank or position and please keep this thread on topic.
V.Markovski, Y.Schmidt, E.Rhodes like this post
[Image: J.Keyes.png]

Got a bunch of basic concepts that come to mind. These here will involve some missions we already do, I'm just listing them for the sake of having a count:

1. Standard push to town- maybe get hit on the road- clear road/ town- go back home.
2. Defence, or Frontline mission, like the last FTX.
3. Assaulting an enemy frontline with fortified objectives etc.
4. A rescue mission- Black Hawk Down style, behind enemy lines plane crash etc. (here we can actually divide the platoon or company into the QRF and those in need of rescue)
5. Amhpibilous landing mission- No idea how this would actually be pulled off in terms of the mission-making and mods, but its still a fun concept to explore.
6. Blockade- we are tasked with setting up and sustaining tight control over any and all movement towards an objective.
7. Airborne (even though our unit doesn't quite specialize in this) - Any mission involving a HALO or HAHO jump right into enemy territory. Imagine you're the 101st on D-Day.
N.Udeanu, V.Markovski, B.Hansen And 1 others like this post

I had this idea of a logistics mission were we have to take resources to a unit who has been in the field for a prolonged period of time and they need food, water, and ammo, so short story is we take them the supplies  and on our way back we get hit, get hit HARD and we have to fight our way back to base.

Hummanitarian mission in a city with a lot of civs obviously not much that will lag the server but a good ammount and we have to bring in food to help the civs and we might take contact from just one guy or the whole towm might try to kill us etc.

Fallujah I know this map is known to be shitty but its the only map ive seen that has a huge town with buildings that have multiple floors i mean 9 10 floors that can be entered and searched through. Any mission on that map that includes a lot of house to house searching, we could roll the bradleys through the road while infantry guys clear the buildings and stuff like that.
B.Hansen likes this post

I would recommend the creation of a small group of "opposition forces/actors" who will be given the same type of treatments as a regular soldier, they will receive a mission objective and tools to accomplish it. Their information will be limited and won't receives the info the blufor are getting. So they wouldn't know about the assault plan. Looking at 10 people MAX. Their role will be to fill up the many different "unexpected" things that can happen during a mission.

When it comes to mission, and mission ideas we have been approaching it wrong. I think the operation phases should have this though process:

- what is the purpose for us going there 
   -- Defending oil rigs from local anti-US forces
   -- Providing humanitarian supplies to the local pops
   -- Helping xyz forces to establish themselves into a region/area
   -- Reconnaisance and first establishment of a region along a bigger war front
   -- Being the last out of a war front cleaning up remnants of local forces and ammunition depot

- Once you have your "Greater Purpose" then we just need to think about day-to-day task that befit the accomplishment of that purpose
   -- Presence patrol
   -- Supply Transport
   -- Road construction defense
   -- Convoy into enemy territory
   -- Ammunition destruction, equipment transport

- The key here is going to be in the execution of those day-to-day missions. If you just make it about the shooting and killing of people, then it's going to be very boring for you really quickly.
   -- On a presence patrol a US ambassador arrives un-expected (due to mishaps in the communication chain) with a small security detail for a photo op, local us forces are re-routed and brought back to the rig to secure the area. Enemy forces were informed through the use of informants and were preparing for a large assault. During the battle air transport is shut down and it is up to the local US forces to transport and evacuate the area of the oil-rigs as it is no longer sustainable as a defense outpost. They must travel with the ambassador and gtfo alive.

   -- During a humanitarian mission, local US forces transport supplies to several villages along their route, they provide medical attention to the local. In a particular village, they notice the men are old, weak, there are very few women and children. They try to provide help and food but are ambushed by the local forces and have to defend their lives. 

   -- US forces know the location of a few hot enemy outposts, they are the forefront of this new initiative to help the local militia gain control over the region and maintain it. They have to assist the militia in securing those outposts, but one of the militiamen was paid to relay the assault plan and it doesn't go as planned. While on the offense US forces find themselves ambushed from all sides, they can't tell the difference between ally and foe and must navigate through this shitstorm and get out unscathed. 

etc.. etc..

Obviously, for all of the theses, the plan is A, what happened is B, so you must adapt and find ways to maneuver out of the situation that you meet. Most of the time when we do something we know exactly how it's going to go from A to B and we stay within those boundaries. If we assault a town, we aren't cut off on our convoy route midway because "maybe the enemy knows we are coming". NOOO we just roll up to the town, take a hike, kill people, and go home. 

My suggestion is let's add some improvised elements to those missions.
E.Michev, E.Rhodes, B.Hansen like this post
[Image: M.Lafontaine.png]

Could we also do a night operation or a eliberate the hoastage and we need to take the hostage back to the HQ.
A other Idea that i had was that we need to kill a Terrorist who is chaning his position but the problem is, first we need to destroy thier Communication Tower so that they do not send more enemies.
E.Rhodes likes this post

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