What time should WW start?
1800 est(Current time)
1900 est
2000 est
25 vote(s)
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Warrior Wednesday
As most of you know CPT Hermanson was the driving force behind Warrior Wednesday and with his departure some changes in how we conduct these events has to take place. First and foremost I want to say it is my goal to keep WW going, this is not a post about me scraping it. At the top of this thread there is a poll about WW times. Please fill it out if you are someone who has any interest at all in attending these events. 

Next I would like to discuss missions, for the next few weeks we will be playing some old classics for WW. I want to know what all of your favorites are. Before he left CPT Hermanson made something like 20+ of these missions so there are plenty to choose from. 

Finally I want to hear your ideas about gamemodes other than the typical milsim style PvP that has become a staple of Warrior Wednesdays. Lets get a discussion rolling on these three topics so that when WW returns, it comes back swinging!
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[Image: J.Keyes.png]

I agree to what Worral said, starting any time later than 1800 is leaving the europeans out of it. What I'd like to see is some massive hold the base kind mission, where we all work together and fend off waves of enemies controlled by some Zeus players. Don't know if many people would be interested but I'd be down for that
M.Benitez likes this post

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