Should people who donate $50+ in a month get their own custom uniform?
No. Only platoon staff+ should have custom uniforms.
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"Premium" Uniforms

We've been working on something quite neat. Within the next week or so, we hope to release a new base uniform for use during STXes and FTXes: an OCP variant of the ACU with Army-accurate ranks and the potential for badges, tabs, etc. This ACU retexture will be coupled with a custom script which fires when one gets a loadout from a loadout box; the script will determine a player's rank from the first three characters of his in-game name and equip him with the correctly-ranked variant of his uniform.

We've taken it a step farther, too, creating custom uniforms with nametags and badges for certain Soldiers. This picture is a WIP, but you get the idea.

[Image: 4ae6MRY.jpg]

Unfortunately, we can't make these for everyone: it'd require updates to the templates far too frequently to keep up with personnel changes. Here's where I want the community's opinion. There are two ways of handling this: Option 1 is that we only issue these customized in-game uniforms to platoon staff and higher, and everyone else just gets a rank-customized uniform; Option 2 is that we issue these to platoon staff and higher and reward unit members who donate $50 or more in a calendar month with the right to a custom uniform, as our way of saying thanks in addition to the MOVSM they already recieve.

I'm a big fan of the donation-reward idea, but I want to make sure everyone feels comfortable with it before we implement it. If the consensus is that it's sleazy, we'll just go with Option 1.


Captain, IN
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[Image: E.Hermanson.png]

Yes, but I have a couple questions with this one:

1) If you donate $50 in a month do you get it forever or is it just for the month?
2a) If it is only for 1 a month, is the price still negotiable? 1 month of running around with your name on your uniform for $50 seems too steep to me.
2b) If it is for an indefinite time, perhaps it is a good idea to look at the total amount donated instead of a monthly goal? We have a lot on younger guys in here who are still in school and can not put down $50 in one go. $10 a month for exaple would be more feasable for them and for their continued support they'd get the name as well.
3) If it is for an indefinite time, and 2b seems a good idea. Will you look at past donations as well? Some people have donated $50+ already and it would be nice to give them something in return for their support in the past.

1) Donate $50 once, you get the uniform for the rest of your time in the unit. It also gets updated when you get promoted or earn a new badge.

2) There are two reasons I didn't want to make it over time. The first is that we already award the MOVSM for $50 in one month, so it seemed logical to tack this on. The second is that, if we do it over time and everyone donates just a little per month -- which would be great from a financial standpoint, don't get me wrong -- we'll end up with 70+ uniforms to maintain within the year, and the whole point of the price cap was keeping the amount of uniforms to manage at a reasonably low number. We simply can't maintain a platoon's worth of uniforms; it isn't feasible.

3) Yes -- just as how we're awarding the MOVSM retroactively, this too would apply retroactively to people who donated $50+ in the past.
[Image: E.Hermanson.png]

I'm broke so I'm gonna ask to do it Squad Leaders and up w/ lower positions need to donate if they would like a custom one, But I think 50$ is a tad bit much.
[Image: R.Warren.png]

(08 Feb 19, 2137)P.George Wrote:
(08 Feb 19, 2007)R.Warren Wrote: I'm broke so I'm gonna ask to do it Squad Leaders and up w/ lower positions need to donate if they would like a custom one, But I think 50$ is a tad bit much.
You aren't donating $50 for the uniform, you're donating $50 because you appreciate your time here and want to give back. It's the same as being awarded the donation medal. Secondly, its $50 over a one month period, not all at once. Lastly, aiding Captain Hermanson in compiling these and placing them ingame, PSG+ is a good cut off point just because of the fact as stated earlier we want to keep these relatively low because they are / will be maintained at least once a month, although they'll likely be maintained much quicker (thanks to Captain Hermanson streamlining the process).
I get what you're saying and I completely agree with it, and it's a good idea because it gives back to those who give donations, But my look on it is that the donation medal is good enough, I've been around lots of communities and seen plenty of patreons who have something similar to this, and I just don't like the idea, because no matter what way you put it, you're putting something that is really cool behind a paywall, the only difference is fancy writing... I don't think that $50 is too much in the sense of it's not worth it, If I had the spare money, I would gladly donate. But I mean that in alot of cases, lots of us can't afford to put off $50 USD to donate,  Even if it's spread out over a 1 month period, I don't disagree having it that you have to donate x amount in y amount of time, I'm just saying it would be more affordable to extend the period over a longer time if possible, and when they hit the threshold of $50, that's when they can get a custom uniform.
[Image: R.Warren.png]

Price tag and exclusivity aside, I'd like to discuss some issues that I believe we might have from this, at least in its current state:

From what I can see in the picture, we will have this jacket-like top, like on the P-file uniform. Thing is, currently our models in game don't wear this when we're going in the field. For running around the base, this is perfect, but for combat I think it'll look unusual from what we are used to or even look absurd as your guy will be technicall running with a shirt or T-shirt, the jacket, vest and maybe a backpack (in the deserts of Takistan; you get my point?). 

This brings me to my other point- Whats the point of having the rank and name on your chest if you're going to have a vest covering the whole area?

Lastly, I have to admid this is an amazing idea, which I thought would be seen only when Arma 4 comes out. But I would like to advise this feature be moved away from the uniform itself and put onto a vest, or divided between both. That way you can have any patches on the arms while keeping the rank and name as chest patches. That being said, if the premium uniform has to be kept in its current state then I would have to vote for keeping it exclusive to PLT staff and higher and maybe including it for the pilots.

I am withholding my vote until this post gets some reply.
S.Riley likes this post

Allright, that makes it final then I guess? No names for $50 donations. I was in favor of the idea, but the fun and games end when PV1 A.Sourboy leaves the unit and descides to hold a grunch against us and report it up to the RHS team.

Regarding Michev's point: we actually would be wearing this during STXes and FTXes, as does the real Army. The deployment shirts that we wear currently are -- as the name implies -- only worn on deployment. So, while we wouldn't get our fancy uniforms during operations, you could wear them during squad drills, STXes, and FTXes.

And regarding the vest: we did consider that, but in the interest of realism, we wanted to put the name and info where it would actually be IRL. (You can sort of see it under the vest, actually, if you look from the side.)
[Image: E.Hermanson.png]

I think it should only be for permenant staff (PHQ+) as these rarely change. The MOVSM should be more than enough reward for a $50 donation, especially considering how rarely we give out awards (it's about a 40% approval rate).

I would say adding uniforms for $50 donations creates a large amount of extra work and maintenance that shouldn't be needed. If anything if we are going to do it for donations it should be $100. Especially as even if people can't donate, $50 isn't that high considering how many people we now have in the unit.

Just my two cents! Love how the uniform turned out tho!
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[Image: E.Rhodes.png]

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