08 Jan 19, 1414
So I was thinking, we have been around for 6 months now and in that time we have had 3 joint-ops, 1 FTX, 1 Operation, and an expansion to company to boot. Ever since our first STX we have had screenshot threads where everyone is free to post the pictures they take during the event so with 6 months worth of screenshots saved I was wondering what everyone's favorites are. Mine are these 2 from Operation Regent Storm:
![[Image: 6C7951CE73DE614C3192DD2B659D7656DDEB5128]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/949589087185678367/6C7951CE73DE614C3192DD2B659D7656DDEB5128/)
![[Image: niYDoj1.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/niYDoj1.jpg)
![[Image: J.Keyes.png]](https://www.4thid.us/forum/images/signatures/J.Keyes.png)