My Official Farewell Letter
I may not have participated in as much shenanigans with you as all these old timers, however I never could of thought one man would change my stubborn mindset on leadership, but alas the stars aligned and I started to look at it in a new light. The funny part is I didn’t even do it  intentionally, I thought when you quoted the ATP 3-21.8 you were trying to speak in jargon so that way the younger guys either got confused and just went with it, or just stopped listening all together. So for “shits and giggles” I decided I was going to look up this “bible of leadership”. And there it was, the day that changed my arma career. As time went on and I started to advance through the unit I got to see how a confident platoon leader functioned, never would I have thought I’d have to go to google and look up the new word I was called for that week. I feel like I can say you made me into a solid squad leader and even if some of the events were rough I never once thought I’d rather have someone else leading the platoon. I personally like to thank you, because I don’t think I’d have the same skills/vocabulary if I were in another unit. I hope your adventure to Japan is a fulfilling and joyful one, with Nagisa of course. Take care you homonculus.

Brett Hansen
Sergeant, IN
Platoon Sergeant, First Platoon, Alpha Company
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RE: My Official Farewell Letter - by B.Hansen - 09 Apr 19, 1224

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