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Should people who donate $50+ in a month get their own custom uniform?
No. Only platoon staff+ should have custom uniforms.
29 vote(s)
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"Premium" Uniforms

We've been working on something quite neat. Within the next week or so, we hope to release a new base uniform for use during STXes and FTXes: an OCP variant of the ACU with Army-accurate ranks and the potential for badges, tabs, etc. This ACU retexture will be coupled with a custom script which fires when one gets a loadout from a loadout box; the script will determine a player's rank from the first three characters of his in-game name and equip him with the correctly-ranked variant of his uniform.

We've taken it a step farther, too, creating custom uniforms with nametags and badges for certain Soldiers. This picture is a WIP, but you get the idea.

[Image: 4ae6MRY.jpg]

Unfortunately, we can't make these for everyone: it'd require updates to the templates far too frequently to keep up with personnel changes. Here's where I want the community's opinion. There are two ways of handling this: Option 1 is that we only issue these customized in-game uniforms to platoon staff and higher, and everyone else just gets a rank-customized uniform; Option 2 is that we issue these to platoon staff and higher and reward unit members who donate $50 or more in a calendar month with the right to a custom uniform, as our way of saying thanks in addition to the MOVSM they already recieve.

I'm a big fan of the donation-reward idea, but I want to make sure everyone feels comfortable with it before we implement it. If the consensus is that it's sleazy, we'll just go with Option 1.


Captain, IN
J.Salt likes this post
[Image: E.Hermanson.png]

Messages In This Thread
"Premium" Uniforms - by E.Hermanson - 08 Feb 19, 1308
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by G.Amant - 08 Feb 19, 1636
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by E.Hermanson - 08 Feb 19, 1903
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by R.Warren - 08 Feb 19, 2007
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by E.Michev - 09 Feb 19, 0332
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by G.Amant - 09 Feb 19, 0844
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by E.Hermanson - 09 Feb 19, 1045
RE: "Premium" Uniforms - by E.Rhodes - 09 Feb 19, 1619

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