Arma 4 Wishlist
As some of you might know Arma 3 is reaching the end of its development cycle. She is an old game and reaching the end of her time. 
Here is a chance to discuss what you want from Arma 4, Predictions, wishlist etc and a chance to discuss any news.

  • Multiple Eras
    • Maybe something like Vietnam to Iraq.
  • Realistic Combat
  • Good optimised FPS that can hold players
  • Large realistic maps
  • Engineering/EOD
  • Logistics 
  • More support options 
  • More of a focus on aviation and naval
  • Step away from Near-future
  • Good moding tools 
  • Announced in 2021
  • Released in 2022
  • Will be the war on terror.
E.Rhodes likes this post

Give me real artillery goddamnit, its all i want. With actual milradian, deflection, calcuable maxord, and the ability to tow and emplace rapidly.
M.Benitez and J.Buxton like this post

Safe to use ladders would be nice, but more importantly a quicker and easier to use movement system that would combine all the leaning, different crouching, different prone positions and pacing seamlessly into the average player's gameplay- something like in Tarkov I'd imagine, despite only having watched the game.
J.Keyes and J.Buxton like this post

Sounds kinda silly i know, but equipment modularity. Being able to put what ever poucches you need/want on your Plate carrier and have it affect weight and other things like where your character pulls out the magazine from etc.
what you have on your weapon, even extremely stupid shit like putting 6 flash lights on your riffle and an MDO with an MGO on top. Basically giving you conplete freedom over what you put on your gear while still having consequences like being encumbered and such.

I know i would spend hours in the arsenal making the stupides loadout i could make with 20+ pouches on an IOTV and a rifle with 6 laser light combos 3 grips and 2 sights just because i can.

I know it wouldn't be used like this in a milsim scene but id still like to see something like this be implemented into base game just to fuck arounf with it offline.
J.Buxton likes this post

Honestly, what Arma needs is an improvement in player movement. Granted, this game is seven years old, it's bound to have some quirks and wtf moments, but this is something that seriously needs to be reworked. We've all experienced the clunkiness of player movement. Take into account clearing buildings with three or more people. If one person is just sightly blocking a doorway, that causes everything to get backed up simply because my character can't brush around them or something which is really aggravating because you can end up getting killed by an enemy simply because you couldn't move, or just get go o' Arma'd. This deployment that you guys are on, I know that almost all of you are going to experience this clunkiness. I also know that you're gonna get fucked by it. I guarantee it. Let's just hope that this is one of the many things that they're improving on and make things more streamlined.
M.Rivera, E.Michev, J.Buxton like this post
[Image: D.Polen.png]

Better vehicle armor simulation, like in War Thunder/Steel Beasts/CCTT. If you're in a MT-LB and homeskillet comes down the MSR with SLAP-T in the belt, your 14mm of steel is not going to save you from getting ventilated.

Better terrain rendering. I'm tired of shooting "long range" (1000m+) targets and seeing dirt puffs because they're actually on the safe side of a hill instead of exposed.
D.Polen likes this post
[Image: M.Benitez.png]

*Quick reply to Top*

You can actually fix that easily if you're using CH View Distances- simply open it up and set the terrain quality while on foot/in vehicle to High/Ultra and you will no linger have hilltops fading even as far out as 3000+ metres.

There might be a normal options fix too, but I just haven't found it yet.

(04 Aug 20, 2102)M.Benitez Wrote: Better vehicle armor simulation, like in War Thunder/Steel Beasts/CCTT. If you're in a MT-LB and homeskillet comes down the MSR with SLAP-T in the belt, your 14mm of steel is not going to save you from getting ventilated.

Better terrain rendering. I'm tired of shooting "long range" (1000m+) targets and seeing dirt puffs because they're actually on the safe side of a hill instead of exposed.

that's a mod issue, in RHS there is the penetration a after penetration factor, and where you shoot matters, but in CUP there is not, since they are just a copy and paste form arma 2, and ofc if you shot with an RHS tank a CUP tank, there will be differencese, like if you shoot the turret of CUP it means the turret cannot be loger usable, but the gunner still alive, in RHS can be both cases, turret broke down and gunner dead
[Image: N.Udeanu.png]

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