4th Infantry Division
big Thonk - Printable Version

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big Thonk - B.Hansen - 13 Oct 19

if you took over a fresh new platoon what kind would it be and what call sign would you use?

RE: big Thonk - D.Polen - 13 Oct 19

Space Force platoon call sign Starlight

RE: big Thonk - R.Warren - 15 Oct 19

Strong, Effective, & Fast as hell. "Arrowhead"

RE: big Thonk - Z.Mora - 15 Oct 19

A platoon of all the entitled PV1's and I'd call it "Royalty"

RE: big Thonk - E.Rhodes - 16 Oct 19

A platoon of XO's and name it "Administration Anonymous"

RE: big Thonk - Y.Schmidt - 23 Oct 19

Trench warfare only. Real time.
Call it "the cuck brigade"